Alas, no signs of golfers nor sounds of golf balls being struck on Wednesday! The course was closed, still saturated and covered in frost and ice. But it looked beautiful, and the wildlife was out in force. The air was punctuated with the sounds of sharp hammering from the greater spotted woodpeckers and the rather vocal geese were grumbling as they waddled over the icy grass. Even the foxes were out playing on the practice area. Unfortunately, no excitement of Bingo, Bango, Bongo for us and we will have to wait for another occasion to compete in this playing and putting challenge.
In spite of the course being closed, the Clubhouse was very busy and buzzy with some of us enjoying several hands of bridge and a Club lunch.
We hope for better weather next week for the Stableford; and the week after for a Foursomes competition; then on January 29th there will be another qualifying Stableford.
The weather is making it difficult to play ladder matches but you have until the end of March to work your way to the top of your ladder so keep trying.
A date in advance for some of your diaries: Sunday, March 2nd at 5pm. I am organising a Charity Concert for our Captain’s Charity, The Nightingale Cancer Support Centre. My brother plays the harp, and he will be giving a short recital. Some of you may remember coming to one before in 2019. Tickets will be £15 (on sale soon) and all the funds raised will go to our Charity. The Bar will be open. Pizza and the evening snack menu will be available after the concert.
My quote this week from Lee Trevino, a Mexican American retired professional golfer, links both music and the coming Burns Night on January 25th and may raise a smile: ‘Golf is a game invented by the same people who think music comes out of a bagpipe’!
But everything improves with practice! Happy golfing when we can!
Alison Towndrow
Women’s Captain