
Bush Hill Park

Captain's Blog, 9th December 2024








A very short blog this week, after a very wet and windy weekend meant that inevitably the course had to close on both Saturday and Sunday, for players safety as much as anything else. However we did have the Annual Kid’s Christmas Party on Saturday afternoon, and a surprise visit from Santa to give out gifts, topped off a very well organised and attended party once again.















The first of the Christmas festive meals was on Sunday and I have to say it was most enjoyable, and would encourage all to try at least once if you are able. 

This coming Saturday we have the Club Christmas party, and although the meal is sold out, there are a few drinks and disco tickets available, it would be great to see as many of you as possible.  

The next Fourball draw will be the 5th January.

Danny and I are very much looking forward to playing our Captain and Pro Challenges, which will culminate with whichever pair manages to beat us by the biggest margin, being invited to play a rematch at Royal Cromer Golf Club. Please email Danny or me and we can book you in.

As we are now underway for the season, a reminder that the 13th is the Captain’s Charity Hazard. If you go into the water then a donation into any of the buckets around the clubhouse will be gratefully received, if like me that does happen a little too often! Then an idea to see you through the year could be a one-off donation via the JustGiving Page of £10.

Happy Golfing.

Guy Croton
Club Captain







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