
Bush Hill Park

Captain's Blog, 3rd December 2024








On Wednesday last week I went up to Leicester to attend the Club Mirror Awards along with John and Sue Killey, Stewart, Debbie, and Sonia, and I’m thrilled to say we won Golf Club of the Year for a fourth time, the third in succession. Debbie and Sonia also received special awards for their long service, and the night was topped off with an Elton John impersonator.



















On Thursday we came straight back to the club where the Christmas Fayre was in full swing. It was great to see so many people there, and huge thank you to all that made it happen and especially to everyone’s generosity in buying raffle tickets, which Alison will confirm but I believe raised over £2000 for our charity.

Time is flying by so quickly -  I can’t believe we’re already into December and Winter League week nine!  Although we had a buggy ban due to the heavy rain and standing water, the course was looking great. Leigh and the team have done a great job of clearing the fallen leaves so far, and we still had 57 competitors for Saturday’s competition across both divisions. There were some very good scores indeed, and the winner of Division 1 was Asa Lowther with 39 points, Division 2 was won by Graham Corr with a very impressive score of 45 points. A special mention of David Boss with a superb round of gross 72 (38 points). Congratulations to all.

Division One results (points)

Asa Lowther (39)

David Boss (38) Lowest Gross 72

David Hall (37)

Division Two results (points)

Graham Corr (45)

Ian Maynard (40)

Brian Pomphrey (38)

Sunday saw 36 of us play in the Four Ball draw “Turkey Trot,” which was a Texas scramble. After a little bit of juggling due to late pull outs the morning of the draw we manged to finally get out in four balls, and although a little wet at times, some good scores came in. The winners with a net 55 and each getting a £40 voucher for Wades Hill Butchery, was Paul Clark, Martin Dunnett, Andrew Henderson, and Ross Russo. Second and third were only one and two shots back respectively.

The next Fourball draw will be the January 5th.

As we are now into party season at the Club, I would encourage you all to try and book in for any of the events taking place or try the Sunday Christmas meals, you wont regret it.

Danny and I are very much looking forward to playing our Captain and Pro Challenges, which will culminate with whichever pair manages to beat us by the biggest margin, being invited to play a rematch at Royal Cromer Golf Club. Please email Danny or me and we can book you in.

As we are now underway for the season, a reminder that the 13th is the Captain’s Charity Hazard. If you go into the water then a donation into any of the buckets around the clubhouse will be gratefully received, if like me that does happen a little too often! Then an idea to see you through the year could be a one-off donation via the JustGiving Page of £10.

Happy Golfing.

Guy Croton
Club Captain








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